You often used the word "shame" when describing your thoughts about your past behaviors. Shame is external; it's what others aim at us. What you're really referring to is "guilt." Guilt is internal. We feel guilt, but shame is what others ascribe to us. This is a subtle, but important, distinction. Anybody can be shamed, but only the truly introspective can feel guilt. BTW, I suspect that your cousin Marge is my friend.

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Not according to the dictionary. But I appreciate you make these distinctions for yourself.

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No criticism intended. I was just paraphrasing what a good mental health therapist told me.

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Oh I didn’t take it as criticism. I just checked to make sure I wasn’t misusing the word.

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Maya Angelou said "when you know better, do better." Shame teaches us that. We all will make many mistakes throughout our lives. The question is: what will we do about it? I admire your honesty when you write about your past, and say this was/is me. Definitely, never too late change!

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