Poignant. Heartwarming. Beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss.

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Right there with you, my friend.

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Oh Elizabeth. I'm having trouble finding the right words. Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience. It's hard to lose a parent no matter when it happens in your life. I'm so glad you were able to be with her on the last leg of her journey. Sending lots of love your way.

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I’ve read this beautiful essay three times. You are so lucky. Your mom was so very very lucky. I can’t help but feel a little wishful. If only I will be so lucky. I’m sorry for the pain you will have in your chest for several days, weeks, and occasional moments for the rest of your life, Elizabeth. Love to you my dear friend and cousin.

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this certainly brought tears to my eyes as I'm sure it does for many readers. I think one to the things I like about your writing is that you 'take people there.' That's not such an easy thing to do as many aspiring writers (and readers) will tell you. Your mother had a wonderful death, and you couldn't want more for someone you love. And you've had an experience that ultimately enriches the life you have left. Arohanui

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Liz, I'm so sorry. I am glad that you were able to be there in that moment of holding her, and last breaths. The similarities to what I experienced with my own mother are unbelievable. She died at home, black crows on my parents house like I've never seen the day before. I held her, kissed her, watched and felt her last breath. Its taken me a long time to realize and accept that part of the human experience is to lose our parents, but how lucky are we if we can lovingly be there, in that moment to help them peacefully transition. My mother's hospice nurse was wonderful too, and she told me her mother loved to dance," and now your mother and my mother are together dancing, at peace, and happy". I remind myself of this and how my mother always wanted me to be happy.

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Beautiful description of how the death of a loved one can go when you are at peace with the process and present. Elizabeth shows us how it is a privilege to be there with her mom.

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That must have been hard, and hard to write. My heart goes out to you and your family.

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A beautiful passing for both of you. Much love

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My condolences as well. Having lost my darling wife on Nov 8th this is in a way reassuring to read as she was a soul set free as well. My wife gently let go the moment the sun set behind the cliffs of the Hudson River which we both were facing.

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That’s some profound stuff. Well handled! (Said with humor)

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Human beings are the only species who must live with painful regrets. You gave your mother a beautiful ending to her “long goodbye”, and because of your steadfastness and devotion to her during this time you can know upon self reflection that you have no regrets regarding her care. What a priceless gift you gave both to her and yourself.

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